Should Michelle Wie stick to the LPGA?
Sometimes friendly banter among Evening Sun reporters lends itself to a discussion we call “Point/Counterpoint.” In this forum, staff members battle wits and ideas on a variety of subjects, and today, Evening Sun Staff Writer, Michael McGuire, and Evening Sun Sports Editor, Patrick Newell, discuss Michelle Wie’s long-range ambitions. Wie’s grand design is to transcend golf’s long-standing traditions and play on the PGA Tour. Is this in the best interests of golf and more succinctly, women’s golf?
PN: Michelle Wie is probably the best thing that has happened to women’s golf – and maybe the entire sport – since Tiger Woods turned pro in 1996. Still, she hasn’t proven a thing yet – outside of the fact she can place in the top three of big women’s tournaments. PGA Tour events, those ones that probably need an attendance boost, have granted her special exemptions to their events. She has missed the cut every time. This is not a chauvinistic assessment, but she simply cannot compete on a four-round basis with the men. How about her cashing a few winners’ checks on the LPGA first?