Goin’ to the Fair ...

By Patricia F. Scott
Registered Historian
A fair may be defined in many ways; an exhibition of products, of agriculture, animals and all things related, a gathering of the public for entertainment – the list goes on and on. Fairs have been held since the Middle ages and were usually chartered and were privileged by princes and magistrates. It was the custom for the public proclamation of the commencement and duration of the event. In those early times the items which were sold were of great value and variety than what we are accustomed to in this twenty-first century. The assortment would include fabrics and jewelry brought in from distant ports and markets. With this assortment, the fair served as a device for commercial contact.
Early documentation of fair records show that the Orient, Greece and Rome all were the scenes of these events. Mecca was the site of the greatest fairs of the East and during the annual pilgrimages there was a close relationship between religion and fairs. This association would continue through the centuries and well into the twentieth century. In the early decades of the twentieth century, the fairs held in Leipiz, Frankfort and Lyons retained the tradition and essential markets of the medieval fairs. Great Britain celebrated, basically, with weekly market days of the country town and would have agricultural meeting days or trysts (Scotland). The Scottish fairs were distinguished by the marvelous exhibitions of horses and celebrating the age-old custom of “horse trading.”
In the United States, the county fair has developed into an annual exposition of agriculture, horticulture, stock, manufactured goods, domestic arts, and showcases of technology of the times. Many of these fairs are incorporated with official charters, one such is the Chenango County Agricultural Society, which this year will celebrate 160 years of continuous fairs in Chenango County and is one of the oldest fairs, not only in New York state but also the United States.
An early article that appeared in “The Plough Boy” from September 25, 1819, written by Thurlow Weed, details the events of this first fair. The first Agricultural Fair held in Chenango County by the Chenango County Agricultural Society was held on the September 22 and 23 and it was written the fair would be “proud days for Chenango.” The weather was extremely pleasant and the first day was spent entering and classifying animals, manufacturers and other productions. All entries were classed in the forenoon and the Society sat down to a home spun dinner at 2 p.m. after which the viewing committee commenced their judging duties which compiled the balance of the first day. The second day, under the direction of Col. Pike, Marshall of the day parade, moved through the principal street, around the public square to the Presbyterian Meetinghouse in the following order: A plough, drawn by the first best gelding horse and held by the Chairman of the Committee on Tillage, the American Standard with appropriate emblems, the president of the society and the clergy. Exercises were held in the church, which was commenced by a national air from the music. Present of the institution, Uri Tracy gave a plain, intelligent and truly useful address. Premiums were then proclaimed by the president and presented by the marshall. These premiums were awarded to manufactures, which included the following: $5 for the best piece of fulled cloth, $6 for the best piece of woman’s pressed flannel, $3 for the best piece of table linen, $5 for the best cheese, $4 for the best fanning mill (a tool used in agriculture). $10 was awarded for the best stud horse in the county, $5 for the best breeding mare, $5 for the best gelding, $10 for the best yoke of oxen and $8 for the best milk cow. Another prize of $5 was awarded for the best pair of three-year old steers (oxen), $5 for the best three-year old heifer, $5 for the best bull calf, $5 for the best ram and $4 for the best hog. Bear in mind after reading these monetary premiums that these amounts were more generous for the time period.
After the premium awarding, thanks was given to the Throne of Grace, the procession again formed and returned to Mr. Steere’s and partook yet a second “Holiday Dinner.” A total of one hundred sixteen animals were offered for exhibition and many more were driven in for exhibition. The vegetable production, and this is an indication of the quality of Chenango County’s agricultural efforts, saw three mammoth squashes exhibited – two weighing in at 70 and 72 pounds that were grown in New Berlin. Ruta Bagas (Swedish turnips) grown in Smyrna weighed nine to ten pounds each. A watermelon, which we assume was grown in Norwich as the gentleman exhibiting lived in the village, weighed in at 24 and 1/4 pounds. Due to the success of this first exhibition, the friends of the society were strengthened, the wavering confirmed, the skeptic converted and the enemies, if any, abashed and confounded.
The first fair, which was held on the Green and was considered very successful for the efforts of Col. Pike and other prominent citizens was climaxed by Mr. Steere who went to the voluntary expense of fitting up the pens and yards. Additionally he prepared an excellent dinner for the society each day, the requirement being the cost of $.30 per meal.
Apparently there were no further events sponsored by the society as research has failed to provide this information. Documented history states that the Chenango County Agricultural Society was organized (and we will assume this was actually a re-organization of the society) in 1846 and the first fair was held that fall on “West Green,” now West Side Park. The exhibitions of handicraft, fruits, vegetables and all perishable goods were exhibited in our prestigious courthouse and the livestock was tied to a fence, which ran around an enclosure (assuming this was the total perimeter of the “Green”, an area covering two acres. Bear in mind, with the widening of West Main Street and the establishment of West Park Place, that this was included in the original acreage. This event proved to be so successful that it was repeated again in 1847 (hence the 160th anniversary) and again in 1848. Conflict was in order with the event scheduled for 1849 when Oxford organized a strong bid to have the fair in their village and the event was eventually held there that year. Sherburne, not to be “passed by” felt their day had come and the next county fair was held there in 1850. However, neither village contained adequate facilities needed, nor were as well situated as Norwich and in 1851 the society made the decision that Norwich should be the site of the permanent location for all forthcoming annual exhibitions.
Reverting back to 1846, the actual members of the organization are not known, but it was assumed that most likely this early organization was composed of Jonathan Wells, a well known citizen of Norwich, August Ross, large farmer from “our great west hill”, Benadam Frink, farmer from up the creek (Canasawacta), Col. Ezra Hewitt, noted citizen who resided on the Newton farm, now Ridgeland Road/Newton Avenue), Hascall Ransford Jr. (living on North Broad Street approximately were the Hospital is located), Aaron B. Gates (big farmer near the old Half-Way House), Col. John Randall Jr. (living on South Broad Street), George L. Rider (whose home was located where the NBT Data Operations Center is now), Matthew G. Ransford, (well-to-do farmer “over the river”), N.B. Hale, (South Broad Street resident and responsible for the future development of Hale Street to the bridge), J.R. Wheeler, big farmer from Polkville) and several other citizens residing in Norwich who were interested in agriculture.
With the decision made that the permanent site should be Norwich, a larger and more desirable site was the order of the day. A five-acre plot was leased (the first move) from William Guernsey, paying a sum of twenty-five dollars per annum, beginning on West Main Street at the beginning of what is now Maple Street and including all the lands to the south of Hayes Street. Additionally, all the land which also included Locust Street made this entire area as long as it is wide. At the East-end a good size building was erected, approximately 100 feet long by 50 to 60 feet wide. This new “Floral Hall” was more like a large wooden box as it was built of hemlock, unplained and unpainted inside and out, but was “whitewashed.” As this new facility was “whitewashed,” it made a very imposing and impressive appearance and during the evening hours was lighted by oil lamps which were hung from the timbers. A pyramid of shelves were erected through the center of the building composing approximately two-thirds of the length and one third of the width of the building, which were used to place exhibits, all of equal satisfaction. According to legend, lore and facts, a racetrack was built in the vicinity of the lower end of Hayes and Locust Streets. This site would be used for the next fourteen years and as the fair grew in popularity, again a new site was the order of the day. This site, located at the east of what is now called Mitchell Street (then the outskirts of the village) was a lot of fourteen acres, known as “Riverside Park” which the Society leased for a term of five years at the annual rent of $100 (the second move). The “Floral Hall” was taken down and rebuilt to a larger size (approximately 105 by 40 feet), thus giving the society a much larger area for this annual event. This area proved ideal as it had already been enclosed by a high board fence and contained an excellent half-mile track. With the enlargement of the “Floral Hall”, this building was capable of being enlarged by the raising of the swing doors at the sides, thus providing free ventilation and greater facilities for ingress and egress.
The first fair was held at the new site in 1865 and was a very decided success. The society had erected new pens and stalls, a new racetrack and after all expenses had been paid, cleared a profit of $550. This site was only used by the society for two or three years when growth again dictated another move (third move). This move would be to the south of “Steere’s Woods” (the fourth move) which is the approximate location of Veterans Memorial Field and is now part of the land owned by the school district.
It was the decision of the members of the fair boards to have prominent speakers to deliver speeches, usually on the last day of the fair. Personages of importance who were secured to speak included Horace Greeley (“go west young man, go west”), Professor Leander Wetherell, Editor Boston Cultivator , and P.T. Barnum, the self-proclaimed “Prince of Humbugs.” Interesting documentation surrounds Barnum’s visit to the fair in 1855. At that time Col. Ezra Hewitt was serving as the president of the society. A man of great strength and tremendous energy, he was responsible for the implementation of many new ideas for promoting the annual fair. One such was the engaging of Barnum as a speaker. The speaker was usually advertised in advance but not this year. September 27 Barnum was staying at the “Eagle Hotel.” Col. Hewitt had all the arrangements well planned in advance and at the precisely at noon, a “Farm Chariot” pulled up in front of the hotel to take Barnum to the fairgrounds. The citizens were lined up all along the parade route. Bear in mind that this was long before Barnum had organized the now famous circus with Bailey. Col. Hewitt had secured a large farm wagon and had a new unpainted board box constructed with a new board seat. The exact site where this wagon started from is unknown (assuming from his home which was located on the site previously mentioned). He had engaged 21 yoke of oxen with their drivers and at the precise hour pulled up in front of the hotel, Barnum appeared and the Colonel assisted him up to the “Farm Chariot” headed by the Norwich Band and with the Colonel’s tall commanding figure standing in front of the “chariot,” holding a long whip in his hand and calling “Haw, gee Right” to the wheel team, which he was driving (that included the 21 drivers walking with their teams). They proceeded, and with precision swinging around the sharp corner of West Park, headed its course to the fairgrounds, swung through the gate to the platform and deposited the famous showman on the platform. The impressions that Mr. Barnum had that day are not known, but it may be safe to say he did not lead the parade with any more satisfaction than he did with his ride through the streets of Norwich. The Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus is another story and perhaps we may be proud of the fact that the Chenango County Agricultural Society was perhaps instrumental in the formation of this now famous circus in 1871.
Interesting facts of history that were reported to the State Agricultural Societies include that in 1855, total receipts were $1,484.58, expenses the same, 1865 total receipts $2,151.12, expenses the same (note: Tompkins H. Matteson (noted artist) was then president), and 1867 receipts (two fairs, one June and one September) with $1,586.90 and $1,641.73 respectively. The report of 1865 gives that William S. Moor was given the premium of $3 for the best acre of corn (81 45 to100 bushels) and Ira Crain the premium of $3 for the best half-acre of potatoes (146 bushels).
The Chenango County Agricultural Society, even though it had existed for many years, was formally incorporated March 19, 1870 with the statement that the members, being of full age and citizens of the United States, were desiring to form a County Agricultural Society in Chenango County. They associated together to promote interest in agriculture, horticulture and the mechanical arts and to encourage and improve the breeding of domestic animals. The trustees to manage shall be six in number (this was later increased to nine, fifteen, twenty-one and now back to nine). The original trustees in 1870 included Benadam Frink, Plymouth, Sprague Barber, Otselic, William R. Buell, North Norwich, Henry P. Marion, Norwich, M. Birdsall, Greene and I.S. Sherwood, Oxford. This historic document would be filed with the Secretary of the State on May 10, 1870 and finally filed with the Chenango County Clerk’s office on November 19, 1957.
In the decade of the 1870s when the decision was made that the association had to have more space, the purchase of “Steere’s Grove” (later to be named Maydole Grove) during the term of John White, serving as President, provided sufficient space. The buildings were enlarged, a new and better grandstand built, replacing the one that burned. New and enlarged stables were built, new pens and stalls for cattle, buildings for poultry and machinery exhibits with local business’s having their own buildings and having the ground connected with gas, electricity, a water system, telephone and telegraph service. Additionally the entire city was connected by a bus line and from the grandstand, the racetrack was plainly viewed by all, as well as the performances on the platform. These last two facts are still very evident today. The racetrack, when built, was a one-third mile long, with a row of post sets a proper distance inside the tract, and ordinary scant board nailed to the top of post with an occasional passage opening. Inside the railing, the exhibits of farm tools, machinery, and cattle were tied to the inside of the railings and hogs and sheep were in pens outside the track. With the first fairs being held here there were no evening exhibits, but with the installation of lamps great crowds were always present. The platform and bandstand, located at the west of the building, were used for whatever speakers who addressed the crowds attending the festivities.
The history of the Chenango County Agricultural Society is extensive during the past one hundred sixty years and detailing all is not possible at this time. However a brief resume of interesting facts, events, and finances are all part of the history of this society which in turn has been a part of Chenango County for so many years.
1852 – Executive Committee – notion fixed site for Fair (as has been written above). The vote was 15 for and 7 against. Jonathan Wells, John S. Shattuck and Samuel R. Per Lee were appointed to committee. Voted to charge admission of one shilling. Attractions included Mr. Avery with tame bear, Bullard Panorama of New York City, and Dr. S. J. Sawyer of Clinton delivered annual address. Prominent man of learning in New York state.
1858 – September 22, 23, and 24 set for dates of fair – John Shattuck gave premium of $10 for any man who would raise one hundred bushels of corn on one acre, shelled and measured in sealed bushel with proof it grew on one acre. Isaac Foote, Jr. gave premium of $5 to any man who would produce ninety bushels shelled corn on one acres of ground, verified by oath. J. Wells gave premium of $5 to young lady, under 18 who made best same of 15 pounds butter and how it was made, and Rufus Chandler offered $5 to lady who would drive around the fairground in horse and buggy with the most skill of horsemanship.
1862 – Fair held Sept. 24, 25 and 26 – First day making entries. Second lay judging of exhibits. Rev. A.N. Benedict of Norwich gave address, listened to by large audience. Scarcity of laborers of the county as 1,000 men of the N. Y. S. Volunteers 114th Regiment had departed (via Chenango Canal.) Feared this would diminish attendance. Feared this event would be a failure, however society had been running in debt $100 per year, receipts totaled $951.20, expenses $813.05, balance $138.15.
1888 – to the wonder and astonishment of all, the weather cooperated with four days without rain. Stressed the need for a neat, tasty, and commodious Floral Hall.
1892 – Forth-seventh Annual Fair, September 20, 21, 22 and 23 – member of the National Trotting Association, $5,000 in premiums and $1,400 for races.
1899 – Governor Theodore Roosevelt agreed to be speaker at fair as he was on tour of New York state. Great preparations and the “Boy Rough Riders” of Oxford were to act as escort for him. Entertainment included a dispatch of homing pigeons, “The Three Bouffons” eccentrics and agile pantomimists, “Jarvelle,” high wire act, horse races. The fair was held September 5, 6, 7, and 8 and Silas Berry was serving as President of the Society.
Early 1900 – Balloon Ascension by Professor Brand of Schenectady – Fair drew large crowds of sightseers to Norwich, largest in recent history. Bicycle events, first day, were drawing card. Syracuse riders took prizes, county championship won by C. A. Fairchild of Sherburne. Rain Tuesday canceled races, combined with races Friday.
1903 – Four good days of weather, unusual as it most generally rained for all the fairs – C. H. Lathem’s new building was opened and displays were by Chapman & Turner, S.E, Johns, Charles & Duncan, C. G. Nash, Burchard Brothers, Norwich Clock Co., Parce & Bissel to name a few. Midway had more attractions, Geo. Finnegan of Greene would run the race Tuesday in 51 seconds.
1905 – Weather prospects were unfavorable – Rain. Valuable asset to fair was the Ladies’ resting house at west-end of grounds near entrance, which will no doubt be fully appreciated. Farm implements displayed and Food Gas Engine Company to be represented. Midway included merry-go-round, picture gallery, “ring of the coin and cane,” Norwich City Band furnished music for fair.
1926 – Eighty-first Fair – First aid station planned for fair, Ms. Viola Tracey, County Health nurse will talk to mothers and give other services. The Flyloft Crew assisted Miss Tracey and Mrs. Margaret Clark, Red Cross secretary.
1928 – Fair Society has capable men at helm, agricultural interest have met to exchange ideas for 82 years. Exhibitors included C. W. Lanpher, Silas Berry, Adolophus Newton, Adrain Babcock, D. P. Holmes, H. O. Hale and Hubert L. Brown to name a few. John H. White, longest presidency terms to date. Frank Zuber president in 1917. Arrangements made with both railroads for free transportation of stock and articles to fair, passengers paying one-half regular rate and one and one-half cents per mile for return trip.
1927 – More and 8, 000 visited Fair on third day
1939 – F. E. Skinner showing John Deere Farm Machinery. Politics were on the grounds as Neil D. Lewis was running for Sheriff and Percy Woodruff was campaigning for Commissioner of Public Welfare.
The above are just a “tip of the iceberg” relevant to the many events, displays of the early fairs.
An important part of the history of the Agricultural Society occurred in May of 1911 when the Society purchased the Maydole Grove that joined the present grounds. The lot contains nine acres and was purchased at a fancy price. The original deed recorded gives the price at $1,750. It was the intention of the society to add this land, having completed the purchase from the Cyrus B. Martin estate (he was the son-in-law of David Maydole.) A note of special interest is inserted at this point, that the present site of the fairgrounds (the final move) was purchased in 1892 from the Oldendorf-Newton owners for a price of $6,000, is described as property “at the foot of East Main Street adjoining the Chenango River.” The 1911 fair was advertised as promising to be greater than ever with the handsome new “Floral Hall” being open for a much enlarged exhibition area. John H. White was serving as president and was greatly aided in his efforts by Stephen K. Willcox, Lester Smith, George A. Craine, Linn H. Babcock, Charles Latham, John O. H. Reed, Frank S. Powell, James S. Flanagan and Charles G. Nash. The admission to the fair was set at $.25 and as written previously, arrangements had been made with the railroads for passenger and freight services.
The Chenango County Agricultural Society, through the years, suffered financial problems and in 1928, John B. Turner was named to head a committee to help save the fair. Frank E. Skinner was serving as President (his total service to the fair association would span twenty-five years) and presented the problem to the Chenango County Banker’s Association. Upon his appointment as chairman of the committee to save the fair, Mr. Turner in turn appointed E.E. Skinner, James S. Flanagan, Frank Zuber and Earl B. Clark to work on a plan for the continuance of the fair. The society had outstanding notes at the bank in the amount of $17,000. These prominent gentlemen drafted the arrangement to sell stock in the society at so much a share, which would aid in the elimination of this debt.
The tribute to Frank Skinner for his many years of service, recall that there “were flush and lean years,” the fair was “rained out” three years in succession. All felt very low and through the efforts of Frank Zuber to provide the opportunity for 4-H boys and girls to exhibit at the annual fair, the fair went on in spite of the obstacles that stood in its path. Mr. Skinner went on to say that he recalled another wet weather year when the racetrack was half under water and he thought of calling off the racing. In a conference with Attorney James Flanagan it was found that the society was within its legal rights to cancel the races.
Continuing this documentation of the society that has provided Chenango County with its annual exhibitions, the fair continued to grow and be successful through the year of the 1940s. Maintenance, upkeep of the buildings is all the normal order of business with any society. Such has been the case with the society. In 1952 “The Deacon’s Pulpit” was erected, this being the new stand, we still see today attached to the grandstand, where the judges and starter of the horse races is located. This stand was named in honor of Robert “Deacon” Doubleday, who at that time started the races each day. This stand had formerly been located across the track, haying the judges and starter face the sun during the afternoon races. Also a new show ring was erected for horse shows, being located inside the racing oval. This has now been re-located adjacent to the Chenango River. The late veterinarian M.A. Quinn, known all over the state as a leading horseman and authority on horseflesh was in charge of the racing program for many years.
Disaster struck the fair grounds in November of 1950 when the hurricane took part of the roof off on the north end of the grandstand. The fair association had been debt free up until that time, but with this latest repair, it necessitated procurement of outside funding. In June of 1959 a bit of history passed from the scene with the demolition of the horse barns, once located on the north side of the grounds opposite the floral hall. With horse racing becoming a minor feature of the fair, more room was needed for commercial tents. The present stables for stabling horses are now located just south of the grandstand adjacent to the old Maydole Grove.
The decade of the 1960s was started off with a very special entertainment on the agenda – this being the appearance of a young entertainer by the name of Johnny Cash being here on August 8 and 9 of that year. The career of Johnny Cash is well known to all country music lovers, however, a note of human interest, a cousin of this writer (now deceased) attended his concert. After the concert finished, he was signing autographs and being the usual autograph hound, as normal, she proceeded to have him autograph a sample box of dog food. This writer wonders whatever became of this box? The procurement of entertainment through the years by the society has been long and extensive, such performers as Cash, Farron Young, George Hamilton IV, Charlie Daniels, Mel Montgomery, Bobby Bare, Danny Davis and his Nashville Brass, Neil McCoy, Freddie Fender, Sonny James all have appeared at the Chenango County Fair. Yet another red-letter day in August of 1962 was the appearance of then Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller, who viewed the annual fireman’s parade in front of the grandstand. Photos of his appearance show the governor leaving the grounds accompanied by the late Senator Janet Hill Gordon. The grandstand attractions through the years have changed with the times, but on more than one occasion the attractions included and still continue to include the Hell-Drivers thrill shows (Chitwood and Kochman,) the fireman’s parade, the 4-H parades, the ever popular tractor pulls, rodeos, etc.
In the late 1960s, there was a movement by interested private individuals that the fairgrounds should be sold for private development. With the election of Albert J. Evans, as President in 1968, the new board of trustees being placed, the society announced that the fairgrounds were not for sale. An offer had been made by Leo Blank, then president of the Sullivan County Building Material Company, to purchase the site for the future construction of a large motel and restaurant on the site. This proposed sale of the property, and the reasons behind this sale are left to history, was the source of extensive news coverage in both the local paper and out-of-town papers. Jim Wright in his column of 8/3/69 ended with “the loss of the fairgrounds means the loss of Norwich’s only celebration. Yes this loss (advocated) by the same leaders now complaining because the county seat is the only community with an annual celebration. We have one — at least for 122 years. The game of Monopoly and proxy switching will be over in October and the only ones that might be hurt are those that the fair is for —the children. That’s all right, us adults can trek across the hills to the other valley and attend the Afton Fair. They don’t seem to have the problems we have here.” Thankfully this sale never occurred and all, both children and adults, still continue to enjoy the Chenango County Fair. Over the course of the history of this Society, there have been other issues and each has been confronted and solved, all with the future in mind.
Entering the decade of the 1970s the Society continued to provide a source of entertainment, exhibits, etc. for all county residents and those who traveled to Norwich. Briefly, the annual flower exhibits have always been a popular exhibition. In 1971 Howard Smith took the top-money with his 3,150 pound roan and chestnut team recording a 19.45 ton pull, 1,900 pound chestnut and 2,100 pound sorrel moving 21 tons the required distance. The county Holstein show was the largest that year with the Fleming and Lathrop families taking top awards in the 4-H classes. Near disaster struck when fire ruined the roof and large north wing of the cattle pole barn. Fire Chief Donald Barrows said children playing in the open-sided structure started the blaze and the roof and inside framing were ruined. Lost in this disaster were several hundred bales of hay. The fire department was on the scene from 2:35 to 4 p.m. to extinguish the fire and assuring that no smoldering embers remained. General manager of the Fair, Len Tyler reported that the structure was covered by insurance, but could give no estimate of damage.
A number of capitol improvements were completed in 1976 in conjunction with the New York state Harness Horse Breeders Association. This included improvement to the stables and the association providing funding for the purses awarded with the harness races.
When the Agricultural Society acquired the now thirty-three acres that compose the fair site (this was acquired in several different parcels) there was the discussion of a great oak tree, standing “about six rods from the (Chenango) river bank.” The deed recorded gave the grantor’s (sellers) “from the described premises the Great Oak tree... with the right that the said tree may stand and grow there undisturbed save by the elements until the year 2000 A.D., and with the right to surround the same with a suitable fence.” This mighty oak tree contributed for many years, along with two others, an area of the infield, to comfort persons attending events by providing shade on hot summer days. The date these trees were removed is not known and the infield is as we see it today. Volunteer services by organizations and by personnel performing the many tasks associated with the fair are too numerous to mention, however in 1976 the erection of new pole barn in the conservation area was completed, being erected by the Soil and Water Conservation District. This added greatly to the exhibition of conservation related exhibits for the fair association. Also constructed in this decade was the moveable stage in front of the grandstand. This stage has the capability of being moved near the track area and being moved back for the sanctioned tractor pulls. This has changed over the years and now the stage area is more or less permanent, being further away from the track area.
The history of the Chenango County Agricultural Society would not be complete without a tribute being paid to all the presidents, vice-presidents, secretaries and treasurers, board of trustee members, all who have served faithfully to preserve and continue to present the fair on an annual basis. From the first president through the years to Frank Skinner, Mel Osborne, Vincent Weidman, Albert J. Evans, Albert Ives to the current president Mary Weidman, all have made contributions through the years. To detail all the accomplishments by each individual is not possible, but the residents of Chenango County owe a debt of gratitude to these many personages.
The decades of the 80s and 90s continued with the expansion and growth of the fair. The weather has not always cooperated, as in more times and one can count on their fingers, it rained. This has not deterred the society, and through all the financial losses, due to weather, the fair association has continued. A bit of interest, Albert J. Evans, was re-elected President in 1983 and would continue to serve as president until his untimely death in November of 1999.
As has been written in this article, the history of the Chenango County Agricultural Society is endless and to give all the details is not possible, but as stated above, under the leadership of the astute persons who so faithfully preserve this tradition in Chenango County, perhaps in another 160 years someone else will look back at the proud heritage that this Society has had in relationship to the history of Chenango County.


There are 3 comments for this article

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