Oxford dedicates tree to former mayor
OXFORD – On Sept. 21, the Oxford Garden Club and the Oxford Village Tree Board gathered at 18 North Washington Ave. for a tree dedication to long time Oxford resident Janet Seehausen.
Village of Oxford Mayor Terry M. Stark; representatives of the Garden Club: Lynne Lightowler-Buck, Anne Jackson, and Jean Tribol; and several members of the Village Tree Board: John Godfrey, Dale Johnson, and Jeanie Petersen; as well as Mr. Johnson’s Oxford Academy High School Agriculture class: Brooke Beattie, Zachary Blair, Alaina Denz, Antonio Escobar-Boria, Branden Everitt, Courtney Flanagan, Shane Gallagher, Makia Hathaway, Zachary Hathaway, Anisia Lesser, Cymechia Lopez, Tyler Myers, Zachary Smith, Chad Stein, and Michael Strassel, all attended to pay tribute to Janet. John Godfrey officiated.
Godfrey stated that all were there to honor Janet Seehausen, former mayor of Oxford, long time member of the Garden Club and Tree Board. Anne Jackson held the bronze plaque which will be mounted at the base of the commemorative tree.