Emergency Management office adds new weather station

NORWICH – Providing up-to-the-minute, local weather information is one of the main objectives for the Norwich and Chenango County Emergency Management Offices, and with the installation of a new weather station, the information will now be available at the push of a button.

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The Emergency Management offices recently installed a new Davis Weather Station, replacing an older system that was located on the tower at the Norwich Police Station. According to A. Wesley Jones, the City of Norwich Emergency Management officer, the old weather station had been in operation for years, but the system had some disadvantages. “We had the old system for a while, but there was no way to share information,” said Jones. “So for our benefit and for the benefit of the public, a new one was purchased, which allows us to share the information.”

Jones explained with the old system, the only way to access weather information was by logging onto a computer at the location of the weather station. The information was not available from other areas in the county. “One of our biggest objectives is to inform the public so they can make decisions to protect themselves, so they are better informed to make decisions,” Jones said.


The Evening Sun

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