Sometimes you have to start small

Let’s get rid of German.

Not blow it up or empty it out, just dissolve it. The township, that is. The people and their homes can stay right where they are, but just be governed by some other town. Let’s say ... McDonough.

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So now you’re thinking I’ve completely lost it. But I’ve been thinking about this ever since Gov. Spitzer issued his recommendations on consolidation last fall. Sure, he was focusing on a merger (a word which since, I’ve been told, has become irrevocably dirty) of the town and city of Norwich. That, as you astute readers know by now, went over like the proverbial lead balloon, much as I had expected it would.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my tenure here, it’s that Chenango County’s not a big fan of change. With all the personalities and history involved with the City of Norwich and the Town of Norwich, I had an inkling that it would not be a marriage made in heaven. Even if it made sense on paper, which I truly believe it does, it was apparent from the start that the egos involved would never allow it to happen.

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Maybe that’s because the idea is too big. Too much change all at once. Too scary. What we need is to start on a smaller scale. Something along the same lines, more manageable, less impact.


The Evening Sun

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