Looking for a “new leash” on life
NORWICH – On Jan. 4, the Chenango County SPCA assisted the Chenango County Sheriff’s Department with seizing 37 dogs from a barn in the Town of German. They lived in horrible conditions and many had a genetic skin disease causing fur loss and additional skin issues if left untreated.
The Chenango County SPCA has found new loving homes for most of these little guys and are now looking for just a few more special homes for the final eight of these Jack Russell terrier type dogs.
According to Carol Hedlund, CCSPCA Executive Director, “We have had such great support from our community throughout the initial stages of this case. We are once again reaching out to those who may be able to provide these dogs with a new beginning.” With the help of staff and volunteers the dogs have come a long way, but they need to have their happy ending in new homes.