United Way asks donors to raise money by doing what they already do
CHENANGO COUNTY – Even though the annual Chenango United Way campaign won’t officially kick off until early September, this year, donors can begin helping their community right away, and with some of the new programs the group is using, there are even more ways to donate to the community, and some won’t cost you a dime.
This year, the Chenango United Way hopes to utilize two Internet programs to help raise funds for their annual campaign. According to Campaign Director Victoria Mitchell, the Chenango United Way has signed up with two web sites which help raise funds for charities every time a donor uses them.
Goodsearch.com and goodshop.com are Internet sites that help raise funds for a specific registered non-profit organization. Goodsearch.com, a Yahoo powered search engine, allows users to specify a charity of their choice, and every time the user performs a search with the program, the company donates half its advertising revenue, approximately a penny per search, to that charity.