Chenango celebrates all things dairy Saturday
Many of Chenango County’s dairy farmers aren’t getting any younger.
Not immune to the brain drain, a number of farm families are facing the tough reality that there won’t be anyone to take over their operation once it’s time to retire, says Janet Pfromm, Cornell Cooperative Extension’s Agriculture Educator.
“As farmers get older, more farms are being sold-off and developed,” said Pfromm. “We need youth to get more involved, we need to get them enthused about agriculture. We need a new generation of farmers. We’re seeing fifth generation farms with sixth generations that don’t want any part of it.”
The 8th Annual Chenango County Dairy Celebration is an opportunity to shine the spotlight back on the area’s biggest industry, says Pfromm, and connect youth and adults to their food producers and cultural heritage.
“It’s a way of saying thank you to those that feed us, take care of us and take care of our environment,” said the ag educator. “It’s also a chance for our farm families to get a day off and celebrate the work they do.”
Dairy Day, held annually in June at the Chenango County Fairgrounds during National Dairy Month, begins at 9 a.m. Saturday with the 5K “Milk Run” and a parade at 11 a.m. down East Main Street in Norwich. There will be agricultural activities, demonstrations and educational booths at the fairgrounds the rest of the day. Admission is free.