Will Norwich be done in time?
NORWICH – According to the superintendent, Norwich City School’s $37 million dollar construction project is approximately $2 million under budget. But will it be done in time for the first day of school? The owner of Greenwood Corporation, who attended the district’s board of education meeting earlier this week to provide an update, says yes.
“We’re dragging people to the finish line,” said Roy Herford, owner of the construction management firm hired by the district to run the project. “I’m very confident that we’ll meet the completion date.” Herford.
“I’ve been over there,” said school board president Bob Patterson. “Are you sure?” If you walked through the High School and Middle School halls, you might share Patterson’s concern. But Herford assures that much of what is left to be done is finishing touches.
“They are working on the little bits and pieces that will make it all come together over the next couple of weeks,” said Herford.
According to Greenwood’s owner, the Middle School will be complete with the exception of the district offices. “All spaces are being turned over in the next couple of days,” reported Herford. Then teachers and school staff members will get started setting up their classrooms.