Deluxe Tuxedo Rental

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Deluxe Tuxedo Rental was the name of the store that my father owned and operated on the South Side of Chicago. The things I recall about the store itself are few: There was a wide counter going across the width of the store; there were two plastic lounge chairs with puckered brown cigarette burns on the upholstery and yellow stuffing coming out through the burn holes; there was a dressing room, and in the back, there were steel clothing racks for the tuxedos. These racks had upright poles and lateral bars connected to madly cycling wheels. When they were empty, it was possible to step on the lateral bar, clench the upright pole, and happily scoot around the back of the store like a deranged go-cart driver. My father brought his children to The Deluxe Tuxedo Rental store to keep him company. This may have helped him to endure the hours he worked there, since he was goodly bored and tired of the whole business, having been at it since age twelve.


The Evening Sun

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