A far away country
Samuel Reuben. A solid series of consonants and vowels composing a solid-sounding name that looked strong and reliable on the return addresses of all the letters and packages he sent me over the years.
September 23rd, 1969
Dear Shelly,
I have a little story for you.
Once upon a time there lived in a far away country near the sea shore three young men. Each one of these men possessed an unusual gift which had strong powers. The first young man had a high-powered telescope thru’ which he could see over a great distance. The second young man had a magic flying rug which could carry him over hill and dale. The third young man had a wonderful apple with which he could cure any ailment.
One day the first young man was peering through his telescope when he came upon an unusual sight. There was a daughter of the King of Shushone who was mortally sick and her days were numbered. So this young man called together the youth with the flying rug and the third young man with the wonderful apple. They all boarded the flying rug and flew to the palace of the King of Shushone. The king had promised his daughter’s hand in marriage to whoever would cure her. When the three men arrived the third young man gave his curative apple to the princess and she became well again. At that point each of the three laid claim to the princess’s hand for marriage.