Oxford Lions Club hosts Halloween Costume Parade
OXFORD – Sunday, Oct. 26, was a beautiful day for the Oxford Lions Halloween Costume Parade held indoors at the Oxford Fire Station. This year there were 59 registered participants (which included one “Super” dog), all wearing very creative costumes, making it a very difficult task for the judges to choose prize winners. Oxford Lion, DJ Jim Baldwin was back with his bigger than ever (sound) castle, complete with skulls and a drawbridge mouth as a wonderful backdrop for the competing youth.
Lion Ava Douglass announced each grade category. The contestants marched behind their Lion leader, around the room and past the judges. Several of the Oxford Academy High School National Honor Society student volunteers had the difficult job of judging the costumes. Those students were: Miranda Batsford, Jessica Roach, Jessica Martin, Chelsea Farrell, Ashley Nichols and John Petersen.
While the judges were deliberating, DJ Jim kept the party atmosphere going with spooky themed music. The break also afforded everyone with time to take plenty of great pictures.