Pharma bus delivers health care savings

NORWICH – A big orange bus drove into Norwich last week, but instead of delivering people to their destinations, this bus is intended to deliver health care savings to those who need them.

The big orange bus travels around the United States, providing individuals with a clearing house of information about programs available to help with the cost of prescription drugs. “It’s a one stop shop,” said Communications Director for the Pharmaceutical Researchers and Manufacturers Association of America Jennifer Page.

The Partnership for Prescription Assistance (PPA) has access to 457 public and private patient assistance programs. It has been around for over 50 years, and now the organization is trying to spread the word about what the program has to offer.

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“PPA was created to make it easier for patients and care givers to access information about their prescriptions,” Page said.

In the past, information about the different programs was spread out and more difficult to access, but now all of the information is available in one place, making it easier for individuals to determine if they are eligible for help.


The Evening Sun

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