In the spirit of Thanksgiving ...
My fellow reporters and I went around earlier this week asking people what they were thankful for this holiday season. I enjoyed hearing the responses I received to the question, and it got me thinking. As a rule, we talk more about what we are unhappy about in our lives, rather than being grateful for that which we do have.
I’ve had a rather bad couple of weeks. It would be very easy for me to fall into that familiar rut of negativity. So in the spirit of the holiday, I’m not allowing myself to wallow in that self pity. I’m going to focus on the positive and think about all of the things in my life for which I am truly thankful.
First and foremost, I am thankful to be spending this holiday season with my family. Last year at this time I was a couple of thousand miles away and thoroughly miserable. This year, I’ll be cooking beside my mother and chasing little ones around the house I grew up in. I can’t wait.