Doliver and Irwin won prizes from Chenango United Way
CHENANGO COUNTY – Two Norwich residents won prizes Thursday morning as part of the Chenango United Way’s campaign prize giveaway.
United Way Executive Director Elizabeth Monaco and Campaign Director Victoria Mitchell drew the names of two prize winners live on the air at WBKT 95.3 FM at 8 a.m. Thursday. The United Way employees, along with Board President James Currie, Campaign Co-Chair Bruce Beadle and Board Member Tracy Chawgo, joined Skip Barlow on the air to select the winners of two prizes donated to this year’s campaign.
For the first time, this year the CUW decided to enter any donor who contributed at least $1 a week into a prize drawing for one of two prizes; a 32 inch flat screen, LCD television, valued at approximately $500, or a $500 gas card. The prizes were donated to the campaign by Manpower and Mirabito Fuel Group.