YMCA offers advice for keeping New Year’s resolutions
NORWICH – Every January, as the calendar turns to the New Year, people around the area vow to stop smoking, lose weight, and get in shape. But, as we all know, the optimism of January often fades in the months that follow.
“We generally see a fairly large increase in the number of people joining our ‘Y’ in January, but by March it’s business as usual,” says Shannon Gawronski, Health and Fitness Director. “Making a commitment to a healthier lifestyle is more important now than ever, and making this commitment together as a family or with a supportive group greatly improves success.”
Studies confirm again and again the vital role that interaction and connectedness play in the long-term health and well-being of individual family members. The Norwich Family YMCA, which has been helping adults and families achieve their personal health and well-being goals for more than 147 years, offers some important advice to those interested in keeping New Year’s resolutions fresh throughout the year.
• Prepare resolutions together as a family. Make the time to sit with your kids in order to set some fun goals for the New Year. Reflect on last year and talk about dreams for the future.
• Make “well-rounded” resolutions. Make a commitment to balancing spirit, mind, and body. Consider areas outside of fitness, such as improved nutrition, increased community service, and additional time spent together as a family.