Time out, please
Time out, please. A few questions seem in order.
The guy who is slated to become our next attorney general was involved in extremely sleazy activities. Does nobody care?
This man, Eric Holder, is supposed to handle major legal matters for us. For you and me and all the citizenry. He is the guy who gave his blessing for President Clinton to pardon the big time crook Marc Rich. This was in return for big bucks to the Clinton museum.
He is the guy who negotiated that Puerto Rican terrorists be given clemency. He pushed for the release of another major terrorist. He was connected to disgraced Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. But he hid this connection from the Senate that has to confirm him in office. Hid it.
Does anybody care that this man is likely to become our top legal guy?
Next question is: Can we afford Rep. Barney Frank’s antics any longer? The record is clear that he blessed and favored the actions by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that figured in our subprime mortgage meltdown. He took lots of campaign money from them. In addition, they (purely co-incidence, of course) gave tons of money to his favorite charities. He went overboard to make life easier for them. He went out of his way to block reform of them.
Meanwhile, his former boyfriend worked in a senior position at Freddie Mac. While he, Frank, was on the committee that regulated the firm.