Norwich Middle School finally “off the list”
NORWICH – There will no doubt be celebrations in the hallways at the Norwich Middle School today. After eight years on the dreaded School In Need of Improvement List, the district received word that they are no longer in accountability status.
“We’re off the list,” reported Superintendent Gerard O’Sullivan in a phone interview Thursday. “This is a huge achievement for the district.”
Two years ago, the Middle School was removed from the SINI list in the area of Math, but remained on for English/Language Arts. According to the building’s principal, Lisa Schuchman, there will be excitement in the air today as faculty and staff learn the news.
“We put a lot of pride and a lot of time in what we are doing,” said Schuchman, who is quick to place credit for the accomplishment with the building’s English and Reading teachers.
“They are the ones who take it and run with it, and I’m just so proud of them,” she explained.