Monday Evening Musical Club celebrates Music in Our Schools Month
NORWICH – On Monday at 7:30 p.m., the Monday Evening Musical Club of Norwich will celebrate Music In Our Schools month with a concert featuring students from across Chenango County. It is one of the group’s most popular concerts as it brings together students from different county school districts to perform for one another on one program.
This year’s concert includes students from Norwich and Oxford singing selections from their musicals. This year Oxford High School presents “Hello Dolly” directed by High School Choral Director, Mike Moren. Students from Norwich High School will perform songs from “Oliver!” which is directed by Mark Sands with musical direction from Mary Mayo. The Norwich High School Madrigal Singers will also be featured on the Monday evening program singing “Esto Les Digo” by Kinley Lange and “Goin’ Up To Glory” by Andre Thomas. The Madrigal Singers are directed by Mary Mayo, Choral Director at the Norwich High School.
The concert will be held at the United Church of Christ, 11 West Main St., Norwich. The program is open to the public and all are invited to attend. A free will offering will benefit the club’s scholarship fund.