What we don’t need

Greenspan covering his backside.  That is one of the things we do not need right now.  Every other day he bloviates about how is was not him who caused this mess. While he assures us he sees Armageddon rolling down the street toward our parade. 

We do not need the CEO of Blackstone Group telling us 45 percent of the world’s wealth has been destroyed. Uhhh, sir, prices go up too.  When they do, do you say wealth has been created?  Or are we talking about temporary situations, perhaps?

We do not need for our president to talk about “desperation out there”. 

We do not need green projects enough to choke on from our beloved spendthrifts in Congress.

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We do not need make-work projects that will not employ anyone but bureaucrats for years to come.

We do not need government telling car makers what cars to make.

We do not need our treasury secretary threatening to penalize oil companies for profits.  Nor do we need him spewing global warming junk science.

We do not need to raise taxes in a recession.  Raising taxes on those who are hurting is simply dumb.  Raising taxes on those we hope will invest and re-build our economy is doubly dumb.

We do not need to have our president and his aids conspiring to go after Rush Limbaugh because he makes fun of them. Going after a private citizen cheapens the office. 


The Evening Sun

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