Sporting good store donates rifle to NPD

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NORWICH – Last week, the Norwich Police Department received a gift from a city business. Heading Due North sporting goods store, owned and operated by Maureen and David Francis donated, a .223 caliber Bushmaster patrol rifle to the Norwich Police Department. “We are grateful for their generosity and their sense of safety for our officers” said Norwich Police Chief Joseph Angelino. This donation has been contemplated for months and the rifle was recently delivered. This weapon was not purchased because of the events that recently took place in Binghamton, but events such as this underscore the need for firearms more powerful than the standard sidearm carried by Norwich Police officers. Sgt Scott Meade, armory custodian for the police department remarked, “This is the kind of thing that is better to have and not need, than to need and not have.” Prior to the arrival of this rifle, the only long arms possessed by the Norwich officers were 12 gauge shotguns. Heading Due North is located at 97 East Main Street. Pictured are David Francis, Officer Reuben Roach and Maureen Francis.


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