Your vote counts

School districts are the single largest sector of local government in New York State, accounting for nearly half of all local government revenues and expenditures. In 2007, New York spent more than $52 billion to educate children in our state.  Largely as a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds this year, school districts will receive $405 million more in state aid, which is up 2 percent from last year.

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Any way you slice it, that’s a lot of money. School districts across Chenango County have worked diligently this year to balance the needs of our children with an ever-changing financial picture. Most budgets represent slim increases from the prior year as school administrators struggle to meet educational requirements while still making it affordable – or at least bearable – to the taxpayers who fund it.

Today, you’ll get your chance to grade them on the job they’ve done. No bell curve needed here; all you have to do is click ‘Yes’ or ‘No.’

Education is and should be one of government’s top priorities. The correlation between good schools and a good economy has never been more evident; that’s why we invest so strongly in education in New York. That’s also why it’s imperative that New Yorkers take an active role in their local school districts. Taxpayers should help make sure that investment pays off.


The Evening Sun

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