Punching the Clock: The scent of office supplies in the morning

When I was a kid, my favorite time of year wasn’t Christmas. It was the week before school started up in the fall when you got to buy all of your school supplies for the next year. I don’t need to buy school supplies anymore, but believe me when I tell you I’m equally enamored with office supplies.

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Walking into Hayes Office Products, located in a historic building at the corner of South Broad and West Main Streets, is like a trip to a candy store for me. The shelves are lined with office supplies in all shapes, sizes, colors and quantities. No matter what I seem to go in for, I always end up wandering around looking star struck. Which is probably why I never realized how much they actually offer until I spent a few hours there.

Once Retail Manager Christine Walker took me under her wing, it didn’t take me long to pick up on the fact that their slogan, “Your Partner in Everything Office” is more than just a tag line.


The Evening Sun

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