Presidential communication
As I watched our president on ABC’s Obamamercial for his healthcare plan, a few thoughts came to mind. One was a no-no. No one is allowed to mention it, for fear of being branded a hater.
The other thought was that ABC could hardly have stacked the deck more in the healthcare plan’s favor. The audience was 164 hand-picked supporters. Every single one said they felt that healthcare needed to be changed. That is nowhere near the sympathies of the American public. Huge majorities are pleased with their healthcare. Majorities far higher than in other countries - countries that have health systems that resemble what the President wants to move toward.
Back to the no-no thought: President Obama is boring. Please don’t castigate me for suggesting this. He is dull. Period. Even when fully prepared for the discussion. Even when the questions are softballs. Vapid is his name, without his teleprompter. And this is why his staff lug those prompters everywhere but the bathroom for him. They know he is boring.
Well, Tom, you are not supposed to say such things about such a handsome, popular president on his honeymoon. Sorry, but to a lot of Americans it is the truth. We keep waiting for a flash of genuine, unscripted humor. We know that somewhere he must hide some emotions that will win our hearts.
Will this dullness spoil his presidency? Probably not. However, in this age of instant and heavy coverage it can do some damage.