Why do guys have to be guys?
Who knew the now-infamous C Street House could serve as the set for “Sex and the City”? The titillating tales just keep flowing from the congressional house of Christian fellowship. First there was resident Nevada Sen. John Ensign’s revelation about an affair with a staffer. Then there was regular visitor South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford’s revelations about his philandering; now it’s former Mississippi congressman Chip Pickering. His ex-wife claims that instead of praying, another woman was preying on her husband in that very house.
There was always controversy surrounding the redbrick row house near the Capitol. Some saw it as an escape from the world of Washington, a refuge for prayer and reflection. Others viewed it as headquarters for the sinister schemes of right-wing fanatics. Now mention C Street and you get nothing but behind-the-hand giggles. No wonder there’s a “code of silence” surrounding the place. Apparently, you put a bunch of men together in one house, and guys will be guys.
This particular house, of course, draws such attention because of the morality preached by its inhabitants. It’s not just what these guys did – and by the way, what were they thinking? – it’s what they said about other guys who did the same things that makes them world-class hypocrites as well as womanizers. And to have such a spate of sex stories all at the same time really can’t help but get our attention.