Enjoy the summer outdoors while beating the heat
As we finally begin getting more normal summer-like weather, the arrival of heat and humidity to our area comes as a welcome change to some and somewhat of a burdensome condition to others. This difference in attitudes usually depends heavily on how people normally spend their days, indoors or outdoors.
People who work inside where A/C provides an artificially cooler and less humid environment probably are less prone to complaining, at least until they step outside and it hits them like a blast furnace. But those who work or are otherwise outside the majority of the day aren’t particularly enamored when they’re potentially faced with dehydration, heat stroke, sunburn, or at least plain old stinging sweat getting in their eyes.
For many outdoor endeavors the emphasis of “those hazy, lazy crazy days of summer” that Nat King Cole sang of should be on “lazy” because too much physical exertion when it’s hot and humid can be downright dangerous, or at least unpleasant. Lounging around the pool or deck, submerging in a swimming pool, or sprawling in a hammock in the shade may be perfect, but not everyone can spend those hottest summer days doing these. And some who truly enjoy outdoor activity (the key being “activity”) aren’t particularly motivated to do them either.