“Burr and His Bridges” at the Oxford Historical Society tonight

OXFORD – Tonight, the Oxford Historical Society (OHS) will present a very interesting and informative program by Bob and Trish Kane, noted covered bridge enthusiasts from Sherburne, titled “Theodore Burr and His Bridges.”

Architects, bridge society members, students, and history lovers, this program is for you! The Kanes have been enlightening people all over with their photographic tour of the 33 remaining New York State covered bridges. Now they are honing in on bridge designer and builder, Theodore Burr, who came to live in Oxford in 1792.

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Theodore Burr is known as one of the “Fathers of American Bridge Building” and Inventor of the Burr Arch Truss, but what else do we know? Some facts are clouded in mystery. There are conflicting dates for his year of birth and place of death. Do we know what he looked like? How did he come up with the idea for his bridge supports and how (basically) does the truss work? Where were his bridges built, how many, and do any of his bridges still exist?


The Evening Sun

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