Delivering Christmas to our veterans

It was bitterly cold on Saturday morning when I set out for New York State Veterans’ Home in Oxford, but I didn’t mind. I had my signature Delivering Christmas apron, and the glowing warmth of the holiday spirit, to keep me warm.

Why was I heading down to the facility at such an early hour? Why, to volunteer, of course.

Each year, the women of the 6th District American Legion Auxiliary and a crew of dedicated volunteers from Chenango, Broome and surrounding counties bring Christmas to the 242 residents of the Vets’ Home. And I mean “bring” literally.

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Led by District President Mary Smallcomb and Field Services Representative Pat Konopka, they arrive with a truckload of totes loaded with clothes, toys and household items in every conceivable size, shape and color. These items are arranged on tables to allow residents to do their Christmas “shopping,” whether it is to pick up items for loved ones or for themselves. All of it is provided to the residents free of charge, and then wrapped by volunteers.


The Evening Sun

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