That’s the way the cookie crumbles
I’ve spent the last couple of weeks formulating today’s column in my mind. My intention, you see, was to talk about Progress and how much I had learned about the businesses, organizations and people that make up our county during the process. And how, despite the sheer man-hours and effort involved with the annual endeavor, it was all so well worth it in the end.
Now, to some of you, that might be starting to sound familiar. Since Tyler beat me to the punch and wrote about it on Tuesday.
Don’t get me wrong - I’m hardly broken up about it. In fact, it’s a bit of a relief. Because now I can write about something far more entertaining: Cookies!
Tonight is the Children’s Center’s second annual Night of Cookies and Cream Fundraiser. The event, which will be held at 7 p.m. this evening at the Norwich Fire Station, will raise money for the child care center’s scholarship program.
Martha Brower-Ryan, the mastermind behind this novel fundraiser, has organized a whole slew of family-friendly activities, not to mention copious amounts of milk and cookies for everyone to enjoy. She has also rounded up a host of local celebs to participate in the Celebrity Cookie Auction, which is the centerpiece of the event.