I Survived!
You could sell tee-shirts and bumper stickers with this one: I SURVIVED THE HEALTHCARE DEBATE.
I know, I know, you are weary and maybe wary of it by now. No one could blame you.
You have suffered through, listened to, put up with, come to blows over, read opinion gripes, been pelted with pros and cons and accusations.
But hasn’t it been a grand national debate?
You have witnessed brawls over how to sneak this bill through the House. And how to bludgeon it through the Senate. And how to bribe the fence-sitters. And how to sack the dissenters by giving flesh to skeletons in their closets.
You have had your fill of lies from both sides. Exaggerations have become the norm. If you sat on K-Street you could probably watch lobbyists from both sides wheel-barrow cash to the politicians.
You have seen more deals cut than slices in all of Italy. You have watched more dung piled up than in the largest feedlots.
The people have debated the particulars. The public option, or no. Tort reform or not. Portability or none. Rates will soar, they’ll drop. Bureaucrats will decide how long you’ll qualify for care. No, they won’t.