Local hiking club honors one of its leaders
NORWICH – Approximately two dozen members of the Chenango County Bullthistle Hiking Club gathered early Sunday morning for their weekly hike, and to honor one of their leaders, Don Windsor, for his continued commitment to the club.
According to Ed Sidote, who’s soon to be inducted into the Outdoorsman Hall of Fame, Windsor was one of the original planners behind the organization, which was founded in 2004 in association with the Finger Lakes Trail Conference.
David Acenowr and wife Lisa, who’ve been hiking with the group for three or four years now, consider Windsor to be a “wealth of knowledge” and vital to the club’s success.
“Don knows the country in Chenango County like no one else,” said Acenowr. “He’s great at bush-whacking and getting us in and out in one piece.”
Phil Metzger, a member of the Finger Lakes Trail Board of Managers, said Windsor is “one of those key local volunteers that makes this whole thing run,” and added that “without people like Don, this just wouldn’t work.”
“The Finger Lakes Trail Conference, at every level, depends a lot on these local clubs,” said Metzger. “Don is a big part of that.”
Bullthistle Hiking Club member Bruce Wright took a more philosophical approach.