Schools of the Past: Greene District #15 Coventry Road Part I

At times in the never-ending research that all historians are involved in, the lack of information proves to be of great agitation. At other times the wealth of information that is researched and uncovered proves to be a great source of satisfaction. Such is the case with the above district as extensive records were researched and to give proper credit to certain aspects (this writer cannot relate everybody or each detail) as the information would easily fill one page of newsprint.
The above district school was active from the year 1828 to 1942 (112 years) and has been converted to a dwelling. The photo which accompanies this article is of the school and was taken in June of 1911. The students and teacher are identified as follows although not in the order of which the names are given: Agda Stein, Mildred English, Mary Murtaugh, Astrid Stein, Lauretta Mead, Kent (?), Palmer Curtis, Arthur Stein, Myrtie Lyman, Anna Stein, DeWitt (?) and Earl Murtaugh - teacher. Through the course of these extensive articles this writer has been told that the school photos with students are the favorite among readers!
The normal course of history relates that the boundary lines of the school property were not given at the start of the school in operation, however in 1833 lots occupied by Zaimon Smith, Joshua Hill, Seth Fowler and Daniel Brockwaywere annexed to the we assume original plot of land.
The many changes from District 14 (last week’s article) to District #15 need not be repeated, however in 1839 lots 39,40, 55, 60 and 61 and the north half of lot 76/Juhel tract was added to District #15.1841 would see lot 39 occupied by Joab Elliott, Jr. in #15, plus #54 east of highway occupied James G. Pearsons be moved from #22 to #20. We will assume that the extensive district line changes were necessary as to the population of the district. As has been written before most generally the schoolhouses were distanced only about 1-2 miles from scholar’s homes. 1848 would see the east half of lot #4 occupied by Lester Manley in #15 be moved to District #18. 1860 the east half of Lot 38/tract occupied by Samuel Wheeler be removed from #15 and annexed to #48. Advancing to the year 1888 the “wood lot” owned by A. Hunt Smith in District #15 be annexed to #18 (east half of lot 3/Tract M - 38 1/2 acres. Additionally in that same year the farm of G. R. Wheeler, originally in #18 annexed to #15 (the east half of lot 4/Tract M - 40 acres. No further district line changes were found, if they were more, they have been lost to history.
The deed information that was researched at the County Clerk’s office in Book 185 page #415 in 1891 Rebecca Page sold to District #15, east of old property to make it wider. Beginning at southeast corner of lands owned by District #15 in center of highway, north 15 1/2 rods, east 1 1/2 rods, south 15 1/2 rods, west to point of beginning (23 1/2 rods) for $7. Apparently the District did own the land on which the school was located, but deeds earlier than 1891 would be another research project, time permitting!
The Coventry Road District #15 schoolhouse (converted to dwelling) is located about 2 1/2 miles from Greene on Route 206 and the west corner of Hogsback Road. Ah! Another nice Sunday afternoon in warm weather after we all recover from the winter downfall of snow which has been extensive to say the least!
Early trustees who served the district included among others, VanValkenburgh, Wheeler, Bly, Horton, Bingham, Upham, Gilmore, to name a few. The number of scholars who attended this school range from 55 to 78 to 67 to 61 60 - to 40 - to 55 - to 58 - dwindling down to 36, 35, 31, and the last figure available 1881 of 27. From these numbers it assumed that the area was fairly densely populated.
Teachers at #15 over the years included: Apollos D. Foote -1844, Mary L. Bingham -1853, Annice M. Fitch -1855, Elizabeth M. VanNess -1856, H. Gilmore, Ruth E. Horton -1858, Maria S. Wheeler, Charles Winter -1871, A. J. Winston -1877, John J. Lansing -1878, E. D. Northrup -1879, Carrie Hoyt -1892. Not unusual is the fact that the average length of teaching was one year.
Trustees who devoted their time from 1904 to 1933 include Frank Barton, Hubert Watrous, D.W. Wheeler, Henry Packard, O.D. Beckwith, Will Rose, M.B. English, H.S. Curtis, Thomas Mead, E.P. White, C.R. Pratt, Erford Page, O. Wightman, and Peter Padgett.
Additional research of the teachers included an interesting statement that in 1898 Millie Brown was hired for the fall term with 21 pupils. She could not control the students and in 1899 Ethel Wedge (Taft) was retained for the spring and fall (40 weeks) after the terms had been re-established recess, played with the children and had no trouble with them whatsoever. Additionally an interesting fact was that she was seven years younger than Millie Brown.
Teaching at #15 during the time periods of 1887 to 1941-42 were a Mr. Roberts, Marilla H. Salisbury, the above two mentioned teachers, Orville Cummings, Grace Livermore, Katherine Boynton (Jaynes), Myrtle Lyman, Jennie Brown, Mabel McGowan, Gladys Grover, Jessie Excell, Carrie Hoyt, Dorothy Biggs, Ruth Padgett, Frances Johnson, Leona Matteson, Kate Decker, Margaret DeLarmarter, Nellie Hotchkiss Foster, Frances Johnson and Martha Westcott.
Closing this first part of the history of District #15, which will be continued next week, an interesting statement was researched and we quote verbatim: “The original red schoolhouse set at the rear of the school plot when Mable Wheeler started school. A new white school was built in front of it sometime between 1886 and 1894. It has been a dwelling ever since the school closed, first occupied by Hubert Watrous. William Hollenbeck bought it from the District #19 and resold to Robert Prindle who remodeled it into an attractive home.”


There are 3 comments for this article

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