Guilford District 10: Guilford Center – The Academy, Part III

In the continuing historical documentation of the Guilford Center Academy this writer was most fortunate to have forwarded to her a copy of the following which I am sure will prove to be most interesting. It is copied as it was received, and partially repetitive of what has been written previously.

Being an Account of the Founding and Early Days of GUILFORD CENTER ACADEMY
Copied from the Original Minute Book
Inscription in Front of Book: A. Dickinson, Guilford, New York

“A true Record of the original Subscription for Guilford Center Academy with the names of the Subscribers and the amount of their Subscriptions.”
WHEREAS, the committee appointed for the purpose of the Centre School district have reported that it is expedient to build by subscription a house of the following description:
The lower room to be devoted exclusively to the use of a common school: The upper room to be used for a Select School and different publick meeting, of a more religious and literary nature, and for the accommodation of persons attending meeting on the Sabbath: but a Select School at all times to have the preference. The lower room to be under control of the trustees of said district. The upper room to controled (sic) by three trustees to be appointed by the subscribers and any person or persons wishing to occupy said room shall first obtain leave of said trustees. Said House to be 56 by 24 feet; 20 foot posts, chimney in read and with one fire plane (place) above, and one below, 8 feet space or entry way in front, two front doors, one for stairway for upper room, and one for lower room. Space way to be separated by partition; Both rooms suitable lighted, and a Corrinthian window in front; lower room to be done off with desks for writers, and about five moveable settees, and in all respects finished suitable and convenient for a common school. The upper room to be finished with Seats, and the Sides attached to the wall, with staging or circular tables in one end, and desk in front suitable for a Select School. The floors double of good materials, the walls to be lathed and plastered, the top to be finished with a cupola, and furnished with a cast steel bell of about 25 pounds. The outside to be painted white and the inside dark slate or blue. The windows furnished with green Venitian blinds.
Now therefore, in consideration of the premises. We whose names are hereunto attached promise to pay the sums annexed to our respective names, to the trustees or committee to be by us appointed for the building of and finishing the House aforesaid.”
Dated GU1LFORD Nov. 20, 1827
We whose names are annexed to the foregoing do hereby form our Selves into a joint society under the name and Style of “GU1LFORD CENTRE ACADEMY” under the following regulations:
The officers of this Society Shall be a President, Secretary, and three trustees, to be chosen by Ballot, the President and Secretary to hold their offices during the pleasure of the Society, and the trustees for the term of One year from the time of their appointment. The President and Secretary to be chosen on the adoption of these regulations and the trustees at the time of completion of said building. It shall be the duty of the President to act as chairman at all Meetings and preserve order. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to record the proceedings, preserve the records, and give notice of stated and Special meetings.
It shall be the duty of the trustees to control the academickal room in said Building, as anticipated in the forgoing Subscription. There shall be a stated meeting of this Society at the time the aforesaid Building is completed and once in every year thereafter, annually, when the trustees shall be chosen and other necessary business transacted.
It is further provide that when any of the above officers shall vacate their offices by death, removal, or refusal to serve, at the request of any three members, the Secretary shall give notice for a Special election to supply such vacancy. These regulations may be altered or amended by vote of two-thirds the members present at any stated meeting given in writing by the Secretary, of the intended alteration or amendment.
Agreeable to the foregoing regulations, the society then proceeded to ballot for A President and Secretary, and on counting the same it appears that Daniel T. Dickinson was chosen President and Daniel S. Dickinson Secretary. On motion the meeting then proceeded by Ballot to choice of three persons to be called the building committee to superintend the building of said House as anticipated in the foregoing subscription, and on counting the ballots it appeared that Rufus Baldwin, Daniel S. Dickinson and George Humphrey were duly elected. Voted that there be a committee of three to wait on Messers. Baldwin and in behalf of the Society to secure the title of the contemplated site for said Building. And that D. S. Dickinson, J. T. Whiting and Julius Whiting compose said committee.
The document continued by listing the subscribers’ names, and the amount of their subscriptions. Part IV of this series will continue in next week’s Evening Sun.


There are 3 comments for this article

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