City sells house for rehab
NORWICH – The city has obtained a number of residential and commercial properties through tax foreclosure in recent years and hopes to see the rehabilitation of one of these residential properties that the City Council recently agreed to sell.
The residential property on 9 Merrill St. fell into tax foreclosure earlier this year. After being acquired by the city, advertising for the purchase of the property began in mid-October and requests for proposal forms were made available. In a meeting of the Common Council earlier this month, the board agreed that Norwich resident Chad Wilcox would be the preferred purchaser of the property, accepting his proposal for the purchase and rehabilitation plan for the house.
Wilcox works with the Norwich-based Wilcox Construction Company. His experience and intent for the property met the desires of the city, said Planning and Community Development Specialist Todd Dreyer. Without a minimum price set for the property, Wilcox agreed to purchase it in poor condition for $2,250.55, after estimating that the total cost of renovations would be approximately $44,975. According to Mayor Joseph Maiurano, the money the city receives for the property is only enough to cover back taxes.
“There are a lot of local properties that are a little run-down,” said Maiurano. “This property needs someone that will take a little pride in it ... I think this attitude will be infectious; when someone takes pride in their home, the feeling spreads,” he added.