Presented with a quandary
What if an airline offered flights for which there would be no security checks? “Fly with us and take your chances.” Do you suppose many passengers would select them? I wondered about that recently when Sen. Rand Paul refused a TSA pat down at an airport.
He had already let the TSA guys X-ray his bod. It was their pat down he refused. You know he is not alone. Thousands feel humiliated by the grabs and gropes and strokes. Apart from a few perverts, most folks are never going to fall in love with crotch-checking and boob prodding.
The whole airline security thing presents us with a quandary. On one hand, government wants to protect travelers. Or wants to look like they protect them. On the other hand, what they do is often stupid. And would hardly protect people from a determined terrorist.
Here is an example of the stupidity. What weapons did the goons use to gain control of the planes they crashed into the Twin Trade Towers? Box cutters with razor blades.
Do you suppose you could carry the parts to a similar weapon on board today? Of course you can. Razor blades are not prohibited. There they are in an old fashioned Gillette in my toilet kit.
Up in first class your drinks come in glasses. Thick glasses. With a little training you could cut or break one into razor sharp pieces. With a small holder you could fashion a weapon more lethal than a box cutter.