A solution for Congress
Everybody hates Congress and its pork. And its sleazy politicians. And their corruption. And how out of touch they are.
Here is a remedy: increase the size of Congress. Both houses. Dramatically.
You know the pols are out of touch. They treat themselves as royalty. Most are millionaires. Most know only politics their entire careers. Their votes are bought by big money from special interests. They need that money because their campaigns are so costly.
The problem is that our members of Congress represent too many people. The solution is to enlarge the Congress.
Our founders called for one representative for 30,000 Americans. Accordingly, we added more members to our House at various times as our population grew. Congress halted that in the early 1900s. They froze the House at 435 seats. Today the members represent an average of 700,000 people. This is not very democratic. In fact, our Congress is the least democratic of all major nations. And it shows.
If we had one member for 50,000 people we would have 6,000. You may think that large number would never work. Ah, but you may be peering through lenses created by what we are accustomed to.
First, we would not have to house them in one building. We could hook them up electronically from their district. And keeping them in their district would probably be a good thing. Less power and influence would be focused in Washington.