Schools of the Past: Guilford: The Village Schools, District #14 – The Return
Written in the numerous assorted articles over the past few years, is the statement the pages of the book remain open for new insertions. This article is one of those times!
The article of January 19th it was dedicated to the “Mechanic St. (Academy St.) school which was located directly across the street from the present firehouse in the village of Guilford.
At that time the photo of the school showed the students in front and the quality of the photo was not the best, but only what was available at the time. This former schoolhouse, erected approximately in 1865 served as the second schoolhouse in the village until the Union School was erected on Winsor Avenue (now School Street). After its closing the trustees of the school board discovered they needed facility for basketball games and other school activities. The building continued to be used for games, plays, minstrel shows, banquets, suppers and other activities for many years. This information credit must be given to the book “Guilford Bicentennial 1795-1995” which was complied to commemorate this occasion. With all of these school/social activities, the building became to be known as the “Opera House.”