NYSEG warns customers to be safe and ask for ID

ROCHESTER – The New York State Electric and Gas company reminds customers to be safe and ask for photo identification whenever anyone approaches them claiming to be a NYSEG employee or agent working on behalf of the company. All NYSEG employees carry photo identification. Customers should also not hesitate to ask for the name and phone number of a supervisor they can call to verify the person’s identity.

Customers are also reminded that:

• NYSEG and RG&E employees do not market energy door-to-door.

• NYSEG and RG&E field employees would never ask a customer for an account number or a bill.

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• NYSEG and RG&E employees would never contact a customer and ask for an account number or any other personal information.

NYSEG serves 878,000 electricity customers and 261,000 natural gas customers across more than 40 percent of upstate New York. In 2011, the company awarded approximately $5.1 million in electricity and natural gas rate incentives and assistance grants to 20 firms ranging from manufacturing and agribusiness to warehouse/distribution companies. The economic development assistance recipients made or are making approximately $290 million in capital investments and as a result, expect to add or retain approximately 3,100 jobs.

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NYSEG, and also Rochester Gas & Electric, are subsidiaries of Iberdrola USA. Iberdrola USA, a subsidiary of global energy leader Iberdrola, S.A., is an energy services and delivery company with more than 2.4 million customers in upstate New York and New England. According to a recent press release, from September 1, 2010 through December 31, 2013, the subsidiaries are expected to provide up to $40 million to help encourage business expansion and to assist in the relocation/attraction of new businesses to the NYSEG and RG&E service areas.


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