Schools of the Past: Guilford: The Village Schools – Guilford Central School, Part 3
Continuing with the history of the “new” school in the hamlet, it was finally completed in 1935 and during the ensuing years the building would be enlarged twice. With the centralization completed, the last of the old districts schools were closed and all the students were bused to Guilford for their education. However, another “fly in the ointment” arose with the school being built in Mt. Upton. With this new educational facility, it split the township to two competing school districts. Finally this was resolved, no documentation of the meetings leading up to this split, and this new facility continued to serve Guilford well.
Courses in a diversity of subjects. Agriculture, languages, etc. were offered to any student to ascertain their goals in attending a higher education upon graduation. Goals were set for students who wanted a Classical Diploma or a College Entrance Diploma and for those not so inclined to further their education, a wide variety of educational choices.
As written above the building was enlarged twice, once in 1952 and again in 1955. As was written all was serene in Guilford for a while. Wrong!
Proceeding to the year 1960 the need to revamp the high school section of the school, and again the economical factor (AKA as money) was once again in t he forefront. The discussion of combining the high school with another neighboring school system was considered. This idea of merging was discussed and the Schools Boards of Bainbridge and Guilford met informally to discuss this prospect.