Rolling Stoned

Some say the Rolling Stones are the best rock band in the world. That’s a little extravagant; it’s like calling Earth the best planet in the universe. How do you know unless you’ve seen them all?

That said, the Stones are certainly one of the most interesting bands in the world, and guitarist Keith Richards may be the band’s most interesting member.

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Keef, as fans call him, has, against all odds, reached age 68, and in 2010 he released his autobiography, “Life.” When you read about the copious drugs he and his bandmates took for many years (Richards swears he’s been off junk for 30 years), it makes you wonder why you’re paying extra for organic free-range chicken, soy milk and other things that are supposed to be so good for you.

The parts of “Life” that are not about taking drugs, scoring drugs or being busted for drugs are about his many trips to rehab to get off drugs. The thing is, it wasn’t just the boys in the band smoking, snorting and shooting dope. The roadies, the groupies, the record execs, the studio musicians, the agents and their famous friends were all doing it, too. Richards would get out of rehab, and the next day a “friend” would lay some smack on him.


The Evening Sun

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