Beat of a different drummer

I hear quite a few complaints about modern music. To that I have to ask, what exactly are you listening to?

If I had to guess, I would say the radio, and believe me, that is not an accurate representation of my generation’s music. There are plenty of fine songs on the radio, but there is also an unbelievable amount of garbage.

I would therefore point anyone looking for an accurate idea of what all these crazy kids are listening to today towards the internet.

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Probably the best way to find new music is to log on and just start clicking links. A couple of days ago I discovered a band called The Dear Hunter, and I’ve spent the time since then listening to their albums and getting a feel for a whole new sub-genre.

I know in the past I’ve written some about Hip-Hop and I’ll take this moment to mention again that not all rap is about getting money, cars, and, ahem, women.


The Evening Sun

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