Monday passes with no verdict in Wlasiuk trial
NORWICH – Following a second day of deliberations, jurors in the trial of accused murderer Peter Wlasiuk have yet to reach a verdict.
It’s alleged that Wlasiuk, in April of 2002, killed his wife, Patricia, at the couple’s New Virginia Road home in Oxford, later engineering what the Chenango County District Attorney’s Office is calling a staged accident at Guilford Lake in an attempt to cover up the crime.
Twice convicted of second degree murder – in 2003 and 2008 – Wlasiuk could face up to 25 years to life in state prison if found guilty a third time. Both of his prior convictions were successfully appealed, in 2006 and 2011, respectively.
Wlasiuk claims his wife drowned in Guilford Lake after losing control of his 1998 GMC pick-up truck while traveling east on County Road 35 in the Town of Guilford, along the lake’s southern shoreline. He first told police Patricia had swerved to miss a deer, veering into the lake, only to change his story days later, stating she had intentionally driven into the lake while the couple argued.