DVD Patrol

One more time, Patrollers! The Toddster decided to take a break from the DVDs this week and see what we’ve got coming up for the rest of the summer. Hard to believe it’s already half over. The season still has a few good movies left and we were able to catch the latest adventures of one caped crusader. Hang on!

Coming to theaters

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Total Recall - (August 3) Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it! Doug Quaid (Colin Farrell) was just watching his life go by and wanted something to spice it up. Doug found out about a procedure that could implant memories and he decides he wants one of being a secret agent. Things start to happen after he goes to Recall and assassins start popping out of the woodwork to try and kill him. Part of being an agent is knowing who you can trust. He knows his wife Lori (Kate Beckinsale) isn’t one of them after she tries to kill him. He’s later found by Melina (Jessica Biel) who’s part of an underground movement fighting the regime of Chancellor Cohagen (Bryan Cranston). Will Doug be able to find out which of his lives is real and find the answers he needs?

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The Bourne Legacy - (August 10)- There’s always a price to becomng a hero. Everyone knows about Jason Bourne and the government program that spawned him into becoming the assassin he was meant to be. Then, something went wrong, he lost his memory, and did everything he could to shut the people down that turned him into the living weapon everyone knows about. What we didn’t know is that the same program that made Jason Bourne what he was made others as well. Case in point: Aaron Cross (Jeremy Renner). Cross volunteered just like Bourne did and carried out his assignments without any question. Now something has gone wrong and Cross has gone on the run. Cross has to find out why the people he worked for want him dead and the only one that can help him is a pretty scientist (Rachel Weisz). Can she help Cross find out what is happening?

The Expendables 2 - (August 17)- Our favorite heroes are together again. We join Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone). Lee Christmas (Jason Statham), Yin Yang (Jet Li), and the rest of the team for another mission when they thought there were done. Mr. Church (Bruce Willis) comes back to call in his marker on Barney to complete one more assignment. They go in but things don’t go as planned and one of their own is killed. Now they have no choice but to go against orders to get justice the only they can-Expendables Style! Will they be able to get out before it’s too late?

Now in Theaters

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The Dark Knight Rises - The choices a hero makes are one of the things that define us. Eight years ago, Batman (Christian Bale) and Commissioner James Gordon (Gary Oldman) made one to hide the truth of what happened to Harvey Dent and made everyone believe that Batman had killed him and committed other crimes to make sure that no one knew that Dent was the one who really made them. Eight years have gone by and Gotham City has had it pretty good enjoying a really crime free city. Things are about to change in a hurry with the arrival of a pretty cat burglar named Selina Kyle (Anne Hathaway) who has turned her attention on a reclusive Bruce Wayne that doesn’t come out too often. He ‘ll have to after his old enemy’s protege Bane (Tom Hardy) steps in take on Batman. Wayne may have more than he can handle. Can Batman save Gotham City again or is Bane too much for him?

The Toddster’s Take - I love a good story and this one really pulled out all the stops. The story was great and a great ending to the trilogy. Nolan and Bale deliver with Hathaway stealing the movie. Hardy as Bane made you scared of this new enemy for Batman. I was sad to hear of the events that happened in Colorado. My heart goes out to the people who lost loved ones and the ones who were wounded by a demented madman who has nothing better to do than hurt innocents. Please don’t let this stop you from seeing this movie, or any others for that matter. We all have to live on and don’t be scared to do what you want to do. Enjoy life!

Usually for me there aren’t a lot of movies coming out in August, but it’s nice to get a surprise every now and again. My crew will be back soon to end the summer on a high note and we all know that Colorscape is just around the corner and everyone’s favorite Toddster will be making an appearance. More on that as we get closer to it. See you next week.


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