Punching the Clock: Tuning it up

Editor’s Note: This week marks the return of our popular “Punching the Clock” feature. Each Wednesday, one of our Evening Sun reporters will visit a local business or non-profit organization to lend a hand for a day, finding out what it’s like to be on the inside.

Seeing as this was my first foray into the now-reborn Punching the Clock series as an Evening Sun reporter, I decided to take it easy on myself and stick with something I know and love.

Guitars, of course.

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Which is why Tuesday afternoon found me pulling into the local Music Square (they have a second store in Oneonta) for a lesson, not on guitar, but on the inner workings of your everyday music retailer.

Boy, was I in for a surprise.

Unbelievably, I’ve never worked at a music store, despite my 20 years performing on guitar and love for all things guitar related, be it other instruments such as bass, drums or keyboards (they have a great selection at Music Square); pro audio and other sound equipment (they also have a lot of that); or any of the many nifty gadgets that could easily put a serious dent in my next paycheck if I’m not careful (effects pedals, microphones and such).


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