Norwich/Oxford all-stars win Bainbridge title
The Norwich/Oxford Little League A Team All-Stars went undefeated to become the champions of the recently-held 2nd Annual Bainbridge All-Star Tournament. N/Ox beat Walton, Greene, and Bainbridge in preliminary action, and defeated Sidney handily in the finals, 9-1. The team comprised of Norwich and Oxford players outscored the opposition by a combined 40-6. Pictured in the front row from the left are Keegan Wright, Michael Trevisani, Carson Thornton, Austin Foulds, and John Vinal III. In the back row from the left are Coach Mike Rose, Marcus Cashman, Drew Walsh, Jordan Christophersen, Bradley Beckwith and Coach Jason Miller. Missing from the photo were Jason Davis, Kenny Liezear, Aiden Lowie, and Thomas Parrella.