The Deceiver
This no doubt happened to you at points in your life. My guess is that it left a bitter taste. Something similar is leaving that bitter taste with millions today.
It happened to me when I was a young executive with a small manufacturer in upstate New York. The owner promised me a bonus. Fifteen-percent of any profits the company made. To the owner it was a painless promise. Because the company had made no profit for years. And he expected little or no profit in the future.
Ahh, but circumstances and good work lifted the company into the black. Within a few years we notched huge profits. The fifteen-percent bonus grew accordingly. Alas, the owner could not bear to see me make so much. So he cut the bonus. First to ten-percent. Then to five.
I knew the owner for another 30 years. And never trusted him again. It was as if he had stenciled “Deceiver” onto his forehead.
Our president made solemn promises about his healthcare law. He promised Americans they would not lose their health insurance policies. They are losing them. By the millions. One study estimates 50 million may lose their policies.
He promised Americans their insurance costs would go down. For millions those costs are shooting up.
He promised Americans they could keep their doctors. In many cases they cannot.
Some say he lied. Some say he misled. The New York Times says he mis-spoke. There are videos of something like 35 occasions when the president made the promises. Which makes for a helluva lot of mis-speaking.
His supporters now say the cancelled policies were inferior. They deserve to be cancelled. He says something similar. He also says that what he meant to promise was not exactly what he did promise. His supporters make similar claims.
Millions of Americans are left with that bitter taste. Because they feel their president and various leaders deceived them. They know what those birds promised. And now they learn that what their leaders promised is not what they delivered.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s flunkies cannot re-package this into something more palatable. Deception is deception is deception.
The President’s defenders spin any number of excuses for it. The point is that he and his cohorts and lawmakers promised various things. What they delivered did not live up to the promises.
The owner of my company promised something. What he delivered fell short of his promises. He made various excuses for this. His wife and co-owner backed him up. I did not buy it then. I don’t buy it now. He deceived. He is in the ground now. “Deceiver” remains stenciled on his forehead.
Americans tend to remember deceptions. They maintain a little Hall of Shame in their minds. On the walls are plaques. One of them reads : Read my lips. No new taxes. - George Bush I.
Another reads: I did not have sexual relations with that woman. - Bill Clinton. And: I am not a crook. - Richard Nixon.
No matter what he says now, President Obama’s promises have been inducted into the Hall of Shame for many: If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. – Barrack Obama.
From in Morgan.