The time of year bow hunters wait for
You have the chance to harvest a buck nearly all season, but the best time to harvest a big buck is now! The rut or breeding season for whitetail deer, is just kicking off. Get ready, the big boys are about to drop their guard.
The hottest stage of the rut is just about to begin. This means it's time for you to throw the kitchen sink at ‘em. Be ready to use all of the tricks that you have learned over the years. For the new hunter, do all you can to learn new tricks and strategies. Sometimes a single change to your setup will make all the difference.
Sightings of bucks chasing does are picking up. I have seen and heard of many small bucks being spotted in pursuit of does in the past week. A few big buck sightings are also beginning to come in. As the little guys are in full swing running the does around, the big bucks are just starting to move during daylight hours. Local trail camera data also shows that the big guys are about to get stupid. The photos being captured of big bucks are getting close to legal shooting hours. These signs mean you should be spending as much time in the woods as possible.