DVD Patrol: Let’s be Cops, Tammy, Drive Hard
Things aren't so cold yet, Patrollers! The DVD patrol has a lot going on for November on some new movies We'll talk about that later. Also, More Toddster's Takes are on the way to report about.We'll talk about that later. Here are a few to check out.
New on DVD
Let's Be Cops- There's times it might be fun becoming something you're not. Ryan (Jake Johnson) invites his pal Justin (Damon Wayans Jr) to a costume party and thinks wouldn't it be cool to dress up as cops. |Things are fun at first using their pretend authority to see where it will get them and go so far as to impress a prett waitress named Josie (Nina Dobrev). The fun starts to turn to panic when the guys run into some dirty detectives and also make the Mob pretty nervous. Can they find a way out before they have the real book thrown at them? Dobrev can be seen on "The Vampire Diaries" airing on the CW Network Thursdays at 8PM.
Tammy- It's said that running away is never the answer. Sometimes, though, that's not such a bad idea. Tammy (Melissa Mccarthy) was doing the best she could in a dead end job but her home life was going well. That is until she found her Husband with someone else. To make matters worse, her car breaks downand she loses her job. Just when she thinks all is lost, her Grandmother Pearl (Susan Sarandon) decides to take on a road trip to get her mind off things. This is when the fun really begins. What will Tammy and Pearl do next? This one is a bit of an homage to "Thelma and Louise" you could say. Coming soon Mccarthy returns to her day job on "Mike and Molly" on CBS. right now she can be seen starring with Bill Murray in "St. Vincent" in theaters now.
Also on DVD
Drive Hard- No one likes to get dragged into a weird situation. Take Peter (Thomas Jane). Peter used to be a race car driver but has to do the best he can in a job as a driving instructor he doesn't like .When he meets Simon Keller (John Cusack), things are about to go from bad to worse. Simon always like to get someone to drive the getaway car for him. They don't just have to worry about the cops. They're also being chased by the Mob as well. These guys want their merchandise that was stored in the bank back. Will Peter and Simon be able to get away with it? My sources say that Jane might be involved in a future "Punisher" project down the line. Stay Tuned!
How To Train Your Dragon 2- Having a pet dragon is always an adventure in itself. Hiccup and Toothless were the heroes of the village. Now things are about to get even more interesting. One thing the two friends like to do together is go exploring. They come across an ice cave where there are bunch of dragons no one knew about. The dragons are led by a stranger called the Dragon Rider who leads them. Now there could be a fight brewing between this new faction and the villagers. It'll be up to Hiccup and his winged sidekick to find a way to keep things peaceful. Will our heroes be able to do it? "How to Train Your Dragon 3" is already in development and is set for release in 2017.
Coming up are some new Toddster's Takes with reviews of "Interstellar" and "Big Hero 6" coming soon in a future column