Ribbon cutting held at ATS Recording Studio Tuesday, open house planned

NORWCH – A mixed group of community members, City of Norwich officials and members of the City of Norwich BID met Tuesday afternoon to celebrate the official opening of a new and unique business.

ATS Recording Studio made news late last year when owner Michael Sepello set out on his own to build a professional-grade mixed media recording studio much akin to the market demands of larger cities.

Sepello says that a combination of factors such as the outpouring of support from the local community and quantity of local talent led him to choose staying local with the business as opposed to relocating to another market area.

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“I was initially looking elsewhere to build the studio, but thanks to the generous encouragement of Teddy Arnell and the unwavering support from many in the local music scene, we kept it local and I couldn’t be happier about it,” said Sepello.

The affair also marked the necessary completion of extensive renovations to an underutilized commercial space on the second floor of the Renaissance building located in the heart of downtown Norwich that took nearly six months to complete.

The upgrades to the the 2,000 square foot facility combined with capital and professional equipment investments put ATS in direct competition with audio and video production facilities across the U.S.

“ATS is fortunate enough to operate at a much lower cost that other locations because of the way that the studio was designed and the number of resources that were utilized from the ground-up, and that savings is passed right along to the consumers,” said Sepello.

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Sepello and assistant engineer Nathan Cole produce, record and mix both audio and video content for commercial advertising, recording artists, marketing campaigns and radio.

According to the company’s website, Cole studied Audio Engineering at International Academy Of Art Design & Technology in Tampa, Fla.

“I took a gamble on putting down roots here, but it's already paying off and the reaction from our clientele echoes that,” said Sepello.

Sepello says that so far, ATS has been booking recording sessions with acts from all over the northeast and that he expects the demand for the studio to only increase now that the business has officially opened its doors.

ATS will host a community open house on Thursday, April 23 from 5 to 8 p.m. at its Norwich location, 15 S. Broad St.; all are invited to attend and tour the new facility.

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“We'd really like to get the community on board for the open house – especially those of the local music scene and businesses looking for creative marketing alternatives,” said Sepello.

For more information, visit atsrecordingsudio.com.


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