Women and the election

Let’s drop in on a big party. We see a mob of guys gathered ‘round the barbeque on the patio. There’s a bouquet of women relaxing under the big tree.

Now let’s lob a subject into each group. Weddings.

Suddenly we hear chatter about dresses and hair styles. And shoes and bridesmaids. And bridal showers and flowers and music. From which group would you expect most of these comments?

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And from which group would you expect remarks like: “Couldn’t wait to get out of them damned clothes.” And “Coors Light. They only had Coors Light? You’re kiddin’ me.” “I swear, during the ceremony. He was listenin’ to the game on his iPhone. Through an earbud. At the altar!”

Lob another subject into the groups. The mess in the Middle East. From which group are you more likely to hear talk of girls kidnapped and molested? And thousands of refugee families forced to live in tents? And from which group are you more likely to hear “Bomb them idjuts back to the Middle Ages?” “If we’d left twenty-thousand troops in Iraq we wouldn’t have these problems today.”

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Yes, there are women who know all the linebackers in the NFL. And men who rise to raptures over the wallpaper in powder rooms. But they are exceptions. If we peer at issues through certain lenses we will more likely get the attention of women. When we change lenses we will more likely win the attention of men.

Let’s look at the election campaign. (While I pray I could lay me down to sleep like Rip Van Winkle. Wake me in 18 months.) The candidates will shape their messages with women uppermost in their minds. The successful ones will. For the simplest and best reasons.

Women outnumber men in the U.S. Women vote at higher rates than men. Put these ingredients together. The result is women will dominate voting by 55 vs. 45 percent. Or more.

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All candidates will hone messages with women in mind. It looks to me as if Hillary will go them one better. Her strategy is to present everything and anything in women’s terms. Through women’s lenses. Because of the numbers I cited. And because her messaging is likely to resonate more with women. Since she is a woman. And since she could become our first woman president.

She is banking on something like this: She will say we need more jobs that offer childcare. That offer wages enough to support families. That insure good health coverage. And maternity benefits. Her male opponent will deliver an identical message. Hers will resonate more with women voters than his. Because she is a woman. That is what her bet is. And if she gains a high percentage of women’s votes, victory is a cinch.

She knows millions of women will vote for her because she is a woman. No matter her flaws or failures. She could murder Bill and they would still vote for her. (Maybe more would.) These voters want a woman president come hell or high water or murder.

She knows millions of women may not be so extreme. But, for the same reasons, they lean toward her. With them it may come to mentally flipping a coin before voting. If so, they will use a Susan B. Anthony dollar. And if Susan does not come up, they will flip a few more times.

We will see this strategy at work from now until November next year. We have seen it already. Hillary updated her latest book. To add that the birth of her granddaughter inspired her to seek the White House. The campaign already brought Chelsea front and center. And left ol’ Bill in the background.

You can expect the influence of women, women, women in all presidential campaigns from now on. And this time around, in Hillary’s campaign, you will see it in spades, capital letters, 3-D, Google vision, high-definition and more.

From Tom...as in Morgan.


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